Over fall break, I was able to grab coffee with Kate and we got to talking about how, at UVa, everyone is constantly striving...constantly competing to one-up everyone else. Everyone is busy all.the.time. If you're not in a library working, you're either in class, eating, volunteering, or running (because in Charlottesville, unfortunately, running is a way of life). UVa is definitely a place that glorifies busy.
And ya know what? I'm sick of it. I really just wish we could pause for a second and rest. I'm tired of feeling like I'm always behind...always flying by the seat of my pants. If someone asked me to describe college in one phrase (and I decided to answer honestly), I would say "running around like a chicken with its head cut off." I mean, let's be real, it is a great time. I love my college experience. I have learned so much and I am happy happy happy. But I'm also stressed stressed stressed, and unfortunately, I'm not alone in that.
I just have to wonder: what would this community look like if we placed relationships and inner peace over competition? What if we weren't characterized by how full our schedules are? It's almost like you get bragging rights if you don't have time to fit in an episode of Modern Family during the week. What if we just put aside work for one second to grab coffee with a friend and intentionally love someone? Because, really, in the end, your GPA doesn't go on vacations with you after college. It doesn't stand at the altar with you at your wedding. And I can guarantee you that it does not attend your funeral. But your friends do.
So, shift gears with me: let's change this from a rant post to a self-improvement post. Let's make it a goal to really try to invest in people. It may be planning a lunch date after class (because no one uses that 45 minutes after class efficiently, anyways), writing a letter to a friend you don't see as often as you'd like, or even (gasp) foregoing a run in order to grab Sweet Frog with a roommate. I mean, I think it would be worth it...right? Think on it. Carve out some time to make sure people know you care about them. And stop feeling like you have to be as busy as possible.
Easier said than done, I know, but let's at least give it a shot.
so pretty much this means i should come visit you?? :)