September 13, 2012

In the Morning Quiet...

Sometimes, God's lessons just seem so obvious.  By the end of my quiet time this morning, my journal pages had such an apparent theme.  After waking up stressing over that-boy-who-didn't-text-me-back, I have been quickly called back to God's side like a child who wanders from her parent...Caroline, come back over here so that I may hold your hand and guide your are too young to know the best path on your own.

As I checked up on my Twitter timeline, I read a quote by John Calvin: "Ignorance of providence is the greatest of all miseries, and the knowledge of it the highest happiness."  Okay, God...what are you doing here?

And then I got to my devotional (still using Jesus Calling): "Allow me to have my way in your life." Getting a bit sketchier here.

And then I got to my readings in the Psalms:  
"In you they trusted and were not disappointed" (22.5)
"God, my shepherd, I don't need a thing" (23.1 MSG)
"My cup brims with blessing...your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life" (23.5-6 MSG)
Alright.  I get it, God.  I get it.

Today, I feel I am to focus on two things:

  1. Being grateful for the many blessings that I do have.
  2. Being patient in waiting for God's timing in the many blessings that are to come.

When I open my heart to actually trust Him, the peace that fills me is amazing.  Hm...pretty sure he has taught us that before.
What is God calling you to focus on on this gorgeous, Fall morning?  In what areas of your life is he trying to bring you peace?

Have a fabulous day, friends.

1 comment:

  1. Love the Calvin quote - gotta tweet that :) And you are right to focus on your blessings. They are ABUNDANT

    Love what you're learning about walking with Him.
