July 30, 2012

Going for It

There are some days when I could sit and literally blogstalk for hours upon hours.  As a matter of fact, that's what I've done today.  What draws me into it?  I have no idea.  But I find a blog with a writer who inspires me for any number of reasons--her faith, her fashion, her photography...her lifestyle, her mothering skills, her writing, her home decor...you never know--and all of a sudden it's three hours later and I didn't even know it.  Some may say it's a waste of time, mindlessly clicking through all these posts.  But I'd say they're wrong.

I like to think of it as harvesting inspiration for my life.

I would say I'm a creative individual; I'm not made to be a cubicle dweller who works with numbers all day (although that takes creativity too, I'll admit--it's just different).  I want to write and read and paint and blog and design and style and create, much like the women on the blogs I obsess over.

Today, I had to ask myself a question.  God has given me these passions--oh, so many passions.  To think of pursuing them all is exhausting, but it would be a waste if I didn't.  It's where my heart is.  It's like, yes, I'd love to take a picture in an outfit I put together and post it onto a fashion blog.  I'd love to work in an industry that calls for massive loads of creativity and exquisite taste.  SO WHAT THE HECK IS STOPPING ME?  

It's a good question.  I don't have just one coherent answer at this point.  Fear, obviously.  Fear of not being good enough.  Money, as well.  I mean a fashion blog when you can't really afford to spend much on clothes just seems a bit unreasonable.  And I think I tend to let my choice of major (Religious Studies, for crying out loud) get in my way sometimes.  But why should any of that keep me from trying?  I've learned so much throughout the past year regarding passion.  In the words of Emily Freeman, your passions are whispers from God as He guides you toward who He created you to be.  And if God creates you to be someone, well, by golly, you'll be empowered to do so.

So here's to trying new things...to listening to those whispers...to not giving up when the path looks too hard or when people try to tell you you're not cut out for something.  Here's to finding out who you're supposed to be, praying for guidance and vision like you've never prayed before, and not letting anything get in your way.

Latest role model/blog obsession: Sarah Tucker at Fairytales are True

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