May 18, 2012

I Used to Think a Wedding was a Simple Affair...

Hello, friends, and HAPPY SUMMER!!!  I can't believe it has already been a week since school finished; summer has been great so far, but also weird because I'm not going home for awhile.  This year, I'm summering in Charlottesville, and while I am SO EXCITED, I will miss the typical summer activities--hanging out at the pool with my family, sleepovers with my friends, and family dinners on the porch.  This will be an entirely new experience, to say the least.  

Why am I staying in Charlottesville for the summer, you may ask?
Let me fill you in.

This summer I will be interning with a local wedding planner.  While that may seem kind of random, I'm quickly learning that I love it with my whole heart.  I mean, I have always loved weddings.  I was a "junior bridesmaid" in my cousin's wedding many, many years ago, and I think that's when my obsession began.  Last year, my love for weddings was re-sparked when I started doing some serious wedding blog stalking.  And now that I have Pinterest, well, I guess you could say my obsession is signed, sealed, & delivered (a song I've recently decided will be the last song played at my reception).

I've worked one wedding so far and done a few other random wedding things (location tours, etc).  I think Steve Martin sums up my thoughts pretty accurately:


Now while I knew weddings aren't super simple, I didn't always realize the immense amount of planning and behind the scenes work it takes to make such a magical event.  And though the planning and set-up are grueling (a wedding day is basically 14 hours on your feet.  And yes, a few of those hours are spent in heels), the moment everything comes together is so, SO worth it.

I look forward to sharing some experiences with you throughout the summer and I can't wait to see what the next few months hold!

Hope everyone's summers are off to a fabulous start :)


  1. I'm jealous...this is the one job that it may actually be okay to spend hours on Pinterest for! Keep us updated :)

  2. FAB.U.LOUS - can't wait to hear the tales!! I can only imagine the "bridezillas" you'll come across!
    Be sure to change the names to protect the innocent/guilty ;)
