April 4, 2012

Wednesday Ramblings

My heart as of Wednesday, April 4:

--True Life:  I am obsessed/in love with Don Draper from Mad Men.

Don can make me breakfast any day, please.

--I have decided that after college I am buying a dark charcoal cat and naming it Biggera in honor of my favorite childhood movie, the Jungle Book.

--The other day, one of my friends and I were talking about what we are going to do with our Chi O pins after we graduate.  I told her that I want to turn mine into a charm for a charm bracelet and she then informed me that she can definitely see me as a charm bracelet lady.  Obviously I took that as a HUGE compliment.

--I have been having "diva days" recently.  For instance, yesterday, I randomly went and got a pedicure after working out.  And I've taken to eating breakfast/drinking coffee in bed in the mornings.  My princessy tendencies might be a problem considering I do NOT have a princessy budget.  *Sigh* Oh well, I shall make do.

Hope everyone is having a fabulous, productive week!  Two days until the weekend...fingers crossed that we can make it until then!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Chazzie,

    It was so good to see you today. I'm glad LaSare left her pillow since it gave you an excuse to come by.

    BTW - you NEVER need an excuse to come over. I miss seeing you, so come by WHENEVER you want. And I'm serious.
