November 21, 2011

November 21st

Today I want to say thank you for my wonderful mommy. She is so amazing-always patiently talking me through meal preparation or my latest drama on the phone or texting me throughout the day whenever I have one of my many crises. She is so encouraging to me and has served (and will continue to serve) as such a great role model for me as I've grown up. I've been going through Proverbs 31, and today I read verse 28- "Her children stand and bless her." I thought back to one night back in September. It had been a very, very stressful week, so Mommy cooked a couple of meals for me and drove them up to me, ate lunch with me, then went back home. It was amazing. I remember sitting at my table later that night, eating one of her meals and asking the blessing. As I prayed, I asked God to bless the hands who prepared this meal--to bless my Mommy for loving me so well even from two hours away. That night, this verse clicked. Is that not what it means for your children to stand and bless you? Thank you, Mommy, for everything you do! I am so blessed to have you as my mom :)

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