October 17, 2011

I'm a Slacker. But I Love Weddings.

Sorry I haven't blogged since the beginning of the month! It's crazy how quickly time passes by. I have some stuff I'm piecing together in my head and am gonna work on so that I can post soon, but in the mean time, PLEASE watch this video (if you like weddings, that is). If you know me, you know I LOVE weddings. I stalk weddinggawker.com and various other wedding blogs on the reg. They're just sweet events, ya know? Love is a cool thing. And celebrating it is beautiful. Yay for weddings. Anyways, back to the video...literally it is THE cutest thing I have ever seen. And it makes me think a lot about relationships, etc. Like look at how excited Jill is when the pastor is about to announce them as husband and wife. She couldn't be more thrilled, which is what every bride should look like! I sincerely hope I can find someone I'm that excited about marrying :) Also, their kiss=amazing. But even more amazing is the hug after. I haven't seen many couples hug like that after their kiss. That just melts my heart to pieces.

And now you have my analysis of Gene and Jill's wedding video...hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

1 comment:

  1. PRESH! Way to get me crying first thing in the morning :)
