August 27, 2011

Birthday Shout Out

Remember my post about life friends? Well, Jenny is one of them. We have known each other since the good 'ole swim team days. We crushed on our cute swim coaches together and ate ketchup on our grilled cheeses together every day of Kindergarten lunch.

Nowadays, we have better food combinations (hello, pretzels and Nutella), but have managed to maintain a massive crush on that very same coach (yes, we understand that he is like...30 now. No, that does not faze us. TGFF--Thank Goodness for Facebook). Jenny (Jennay, Captain Big Booty, etc.) can make me laugh like no other. For example, the other night we took a train back from NYC from 10pm to 2am. We sat together, and by the end of the ride I'm pretty sure that everyone around us absolutely hated us because we were so obnoxiously loud. She also takes the best ugly pictures I have ever seen (it's a compliment because she is actually gorgeous but somehow manages to make the worst faces possible). Sorry I can't post one of them on'll just have to imagine for yourself.

Jennayyy, you are such a blessing to me and I love you so very much! Happy birthday best franndd!

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